This training will focus on safeguarding around sexual abuse, harassment and misogyny.
The purpose of this training is to provide staff with time for reflection about how your setting’s safeguarding policy and procedures include sexual abuse, harassment and misogyny and address the issues raised by the students who reported to the ‘Everyone’s Invited’ website in Spring 2021. The training may raise unanswered questions that are specific to your setting, and can be followed up with your designated safeguarding lead.
This course is structured into five assignments, each of which can be issued separately, so schools can be flexible in how they deliver them to staff.
Each assignment in the programme will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
This item contains
5 Assignments
Assignment 1: Introduction: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment
Assignment 2 : Milly case study: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment
Assignment 3 : Kyle case study: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment
Assignment 4 : Curriculum: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment
Assignment 5 : Further advice: Improving safeguarding around sexual abuse, misogyny & harassment