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online training and policy compliance.

All from one easy to use, online dashboard!

Wellbeing & Mental Health in 2021

As pupils return to school, and we all begin to see the benefits of restrictions being lifted, it would be easy to assume that everyone will be feeling great and pleased to return to ‘normal’. However, for some, the return to school may not be seen as such a good thing, anxiety of being in and around large groups of people will undoubtedly affect some students. Add to this all the other pressures that school life can bring for some, such as bullying, abuse, peer-pressure, and the on-going worries over exams and how they will be graded. Now more than ever it is vital that we are equipped and ready to help vulnerable students.

TrainingSchoolz provides a Mental well-being assignment for Teachers & Staff, that is perfect both for first time users, and as a refresher for those that have undertaken the assignment previously.

The aim of the assignment is to support schools in their understanding of policies and procedures around the mental well-being of children and young people. It provides information regarding good practice on how schools should address the situation of pupils with mental health issues.

Devised by Tim Pinto who has over 20 years' experience working in education as PSHE Head of Department, University Associate Lecturer, and Independent Consultant.

Course details: Mental Well-being Training for Teachers & Staff

About TrainingSchoolz

TrainingSchoolz provides an online dashboard to distribute, monitor and evidence statutory training, policy compliance and vital communications.

The included training & policy library provides an extensive range of statutory training assignments, covering Safeguarding, E-safety, Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE), Mental Health & Wellbeing and much more.

All of the assignments provided in the library are fully editable for your specific needs. In addition, schools can upload / create their own content to cover a diverse range of topics, such as Curriculum Development, Staff Induction, Staff Handbook & Risk Assessment etc.

For further details and a free trial, visit

TrainingSchoolz provides a complete tool kit for online training, compliance and CPD
  • Library of 27 fully customisable compliance training materials and policies
  • Easy-to-use interface to create your own training
  • Range of simple distribution methods
  • Powerful evidenceing and reporting tools

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